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Type of Jeans for Men with Different Body Types




Shopping is not fun for everyone. Many men find it a burdensome activity but they have to do it because clothes are a basic necessity. With just a little effort it is possible to stay comfortable and look stylish every day.

No man’s wardrobe is complete without jeans as they are a basic clothing item. Jeans are the best go-to option because they are versatile. Shopping for jeans for men can be challenging because there are different types of jeans that are right for different body types.

The key to picking the right jeans is keeping one’s body type in mind. Here is a guide that can help to ensure that you spend your money on the right denim men jeans.

Men Jeans for slender:

Slender men have a light build as they have lean muscles, flat chest, and small shoulders. To pull off a casual jeans outfit it is essential to know which jeans are best suited for a lean body.

  • The jeans for such body types are the straight leg jeans. They have a low rise flat which is perfect for the slender build. They are neither too tight nor too baggy. Straight leg jeans take the attention away from undefined legs.

What to avoid?

There are certain types of jeans that slender men need to stay away from.

  • Skinny jeans are not a good option for slender people as it makes them look thinner. These jeans are too roomy and create a baggy appearance.

  • Baggy and wide-leg jeans are not a good choice for skinny jeans because they are too loose.

  • The high rise jeans are a big no as well because it creates a flat look.

Jeans for athletic men:

Athletic men have slim waists and muscular legs so it is important to keep it in mind. You do not want to get jeans that do not justify the best parts of the body. Choose the jeans that fit the toned body perfectly.

  • The straight, slim fit and boot cut jeans are a great choice for athletic men.

  • Low rise style is better for athletic men as it complements the toned body.

  • Jeans have pockets and they are useful but athletic men should prefer the ones that have smaller and wider pockets. The size and placement of pockets help show off the toned lower body.

What to avoid?

Athletic men should stay away from baggy jeans as they will simply hide the toned muscles.

  • The regular fits have wide legs so they are not the right choice for toned people because they make the legs appear bigger than they are.

Jeans for muscular men

Men who work out regularly have big muscles. Squatting is good for the legs and it makes the leg muscles stronger and bigger and simple straight jeans are too skinny.

  • A regular fit is an ideal choice for muscular men because it suits the big leg muscles.

  • Choose the jeans that have large, deep and closely placed pockets. The placement of pockets makes the legs look thinner.

What to avoid?

  • Muscular men should stay away from boot cut jeans as they make the legs look heavier than they are.

  • Skinny jeans are a bad choice because they are too tight and uncomfortable.

Jeans for large waist men:

When you go shopping for jeans remember that they are versatile and there is always a style out there that is best suited for your body type.

  • Men with a large waist should stick with loose-fitting, straight cut, and wide-legged jeans. They are comfortable and relaxing.

What to avoid:

  • Slim and skinny jeans are a waste of money as they are going to be uncomfortable and unflattering.

  • The boot cut and flared jeans imbalance the appearance and makes the legs look bigger than they are.


Following fashion trends is good for finding inspiration for styling your jeans but blindly following trends is not smart. Ripped jeans may be the right choice for some and terrible for you so never forget to take your body type into consideration.